What we love about Analyze
General solutions solve general problems. Specific solutions solve specific problems.
Analyze is a specific solution that is powerful in its simplicity. Where existing technologies assess and report data, Analyze goes a step further to provide personalized insights that measurably improve movement health and how it can be monitored.
Aaron de Jong
Founder & CEO
Meaningful Insights
Track movement trends and segment groups of individuals based on different factors that matter to your organization.
Enhance Your Offering
Highlight the root cause of a person’s movement limitation, delivered through an easy-to-understand reporting functionality.
Help Where it's Needed
Understand people's needs and drive change by focusing on those who need the most help. Show them what to do and why it matters.
A simple solution that drives powerful change.
Help people move & feel better.
Add real value to your technology that improves the health of your business and the people you serve.